Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bootstrap this.

Another year, another site redesign. This time it's Twitter's Bootstrap framework. Whoopee! Simpler to code for than pretty much any other framework I've seen and reasonably easy to modify, but still too many levels of inheritance so it's not always clear where a css change needs to be made - and the level of complexity in the css means most sites that use the framework look like they use the framework instead of being their own unique thing.

But forget the technical whining, what about content? Oh yeah - lots of new content. Most significantly, the Myth 2 Handbook - a classic Myth 2 book is available for the first time in digital form/online. The HTML version is here in the MythGraveyard, PDFs can be downloaded from udogs (to save bandwidth). Added some articles, a guide to the 5 Kingdoms map, and lots of of long-dead newly-resurrected Myth sites and pages in the Dead Site Archives like Geezers from Hell, Version's Map Foundation, Tron Total Conversion, The Wargamer (Green Berets review), Men of Rohan, Dark Angel's sucky TFL Tourney, Mything Under the Influence (mua), etc.


ps. The value of the MythGraveyard continues to rocket skyward, if this keeps up I'll be monetizing the site and retiring to a beach where I can put my feet up and spend my days sipping margueritas.