Monday, October 1, 2012

Readme or die!!!

1800+ map and plugins readmes in the Documents section. Cleaned up the theme a bit, changed the headline/title typeface, still some work to do to make things look consistent and clean.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Some new content

New: Trow-kicking page-not-found error page. New: A history of the uDogs. New: Tournaments of Champions tournament site New: mythgraveyard editorial note box Updated: Cleaned up and tightened up the layout a bit, improved the related links code, added logic to display links to The Tain.

Monday, July 16, 2012

well, that was a short break.

as i was working on organizing the rest of the myth-related files on my HD so I could load them into the graveyard, the new site owner somehow managed to screw up all the cataloging i had done.

so i am back to actively running the site again.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Re-tagging/indexing is finally done. took the "opportunity" of 1/3 of the tags getting wiped out (thank you Charles) to redesign the tagging system. It's better now. More accurate, easier to search for similar items. everything should be tagged properly now so that when you are viewing a page, similar search links show up in the sidebar. speaking of searching, the title search has been prettified up a bit, there's a title search available to search through 'hard copy' documents that aren't in the db as articles, and the search results screens have been tightened up a bit. other than that, some tweaking of the css to cleanup the theme so it looks less hodge-podge, & added ye old myth-like font back to the header (i keep changing my mind).

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Welcome! My name is Charles d'Ghol I'm running myth graveyard while the vinyl takes a break.

First thing I do is make a new theme so it has a nice look and feel, now looks great the myth graveyard. I hope you like it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cleaned up readmes (600+) and made dynamic table of contents for the readmes and other documents. Still getting map images linked to their entries, and cleaning up/filling in missing data about maps. This will take forever. Prettified title search in header, though different browsers are munging it all up. Might have to go back to plain html as pretty css seems to just break things.